Technical Documentation


This document gathers information about your equipment which are divided into groups (as the side menu) to provide flexibility for this consultation, and right application of parts for replacement. Thinking about it elaborated this material to facilitate their enquiry. Whether in print or electronic media.


This document is written to the file type PDF (Portable Document Format) and HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). These file types are more "light" by facilitating and streamlining access to information.


Bond or link: it is an area in a file that allows you to "jump" to other locations in the same document, or other documents.


To follow a link: Position the mouse pointer over the linked area of the page until it turns into a hand with a forefinger. Then click the link. In catalogs of parts there are subtitles in positions as outlined in blue. These items have links, or to position the mouse pointer to click on this area will be displayed on the screen the area the destination of this link, with details regarding that item selected. The same kind of action shall apply to the contents of this document type.


We also recommend that provided a physical copy of this material to remain with the equipment