Letter to the Market

The changes made in the production line and in concepts related to corporate management are completely redesigning profile of the professional and the modern organization. Strategic planning and vision have become basic principles of life and adaptation to new managerial values in today's setting.

More and more, decisions made at TEREX Latin America take into consideration the possible tendencies, challenges, future opportunities and threats, and most importantly the needs of the interested parties. In this way the company is seeking to contribute as an important instrument of economic, technological and directional reengineering of the objectives in the search for excellence in management and of new business opportunities.

All of us are involved in this new pace of intense dynamics where change is a constant. Organizations and professionals seek to adjust themselves to the rhythm of these scenarios. Until just recently, innovation was a differential factor between companies. Today it is a must. Also we can observe that the more advanced countries are those that most use innovation as a form of development. There are no miracles in this area; we need to continually push towards innovation.

We do not fear the dynamics of change because since our beginning, TEREX has operated in a dynamic and innovative manner, always taking the lead in the market.

We work to meet the most specific needs of our customers, offering true partnerships and establishing ties that result in strong relationships. This is the strategy that is highly valued today and is a part of the very tradition of our company.

We are members of an exclusive team, one of the three largest suppliers of road building and paving equipment in the world, with annual revenues of 6 billion dollars. This fact reinforces our history of being the best supplier of solutions for paving in Latin America. This is because beside being able to count on the talent of our team we also have available to us the best international technology which brings to our customers a great differential in their business deals. Our belief is that we will go beyond your expectations in this area, and be able to anticipate your needs with the vision of your goals in mind.

In order to do this we invest in our suppliers with the same tenacity that we invest in modern technology. We push forward in our capabilities toward development and the utilization of creativity.

We are committed to sustainable growth and because of this we are involved in and care for our environment. This is the guiding key in our efforts in relation to our conception of Social Responsibilities which is of utmost importance today. We believe that the sustainability of our company is beyond our gates.

We are a company that offers solutions in equipment with state-of-the-art technology. We are also a company that esteems good ethics in all of our attitudes. Dynamism, innovation, technology, talent, customer-driven, product and service excellence are what make us stand out. And we thank the market, because it has recognized that TEREX Latin America is all of this.

Reus B. C. da Rosa, Director General
Msc. Eng.
Gilvan Medeiros Pereira, Director of Sales and Marketing