Technology and Quality

Constant investment in research and training of personnel is a mission that TEREX Latin America carries out since its foundation as the first asphalt plant in Brazil. The company was ISO 9001:2000 certified in recognition to the quality standards of its equipment during almost half a century. This norm regulates a Quality Management System capable of ensuring uniformity of product from its design all the way to its delivery to the customer.

Based on the background and exchange among the TEREX member companies, today TEREX Latin America offers to its customers the best state-of-the-art international technology and advanced and exclusive equipment that meet the emerging needs of its customers.

The Road of Excellence

In its Strategic Planning, TEREX Latin America defined as one of its priorities the search for innovation as it implements and promotes changes that meet their objectives. This way it believes that it is capable of quickly adapting to the requirements of its customers and the market, and developing effective solutions for their needs.

In order to reach this objective, we are sure that the involvement of all our employees is fundamental. TEREX Latin America considers that it is important for this involvement to take place in a conscious way that each employee feels satisfied, becoming aware at how essential his/her contribution is in this process. Parallel to this, TEREX Latin America is concerned with the satisfaction of its shareholders that invest the capital so that the company can grow, as well as the community, continually keeping in mind the social development and issues related to the environment.

Terex in the PGQP

It is within this context that TEREX Latin America launches out into another challenge—the search of Management Excellence. Its participation in the Gaścho Program of Quality and Productivity (PGQP) provides the possibility of sharing the fundamental concepts related to successful management practices in organizations known for their excellence.