Mr(s) Owners, users and operators:



The Terex Latin America thanks to our equipment choice for your application. Our main priority is the safety of the user. We feel that you, as owner, user or operator of the machine contribute more to security, if you:


  • Comply with the Legislation and Rules Federal, State and Local.
  • Read, understand and follow the instructions that follow in this and other manuals supplied with the equipment.
  • Use best practices for safety.
  • Certificates and qualify operators.
  • Use only original parts and approved by Terex Latin America.


If there is anything in this manual is not clear and if the left side and issues that you consider should be included, please contact with:

Terex Latin America, Avenue Comendador Clemente Cifali, 530 –Industrial District Ritter - Cachoeirinha - RS - Brazil - CEP 94935-225, area of Technical Documentation, with their comments.


The Terex Latin America is declining any responsibility for damage caused by the use of unauthorized parts suppliers. Therefore, it is used only original spare parts Terex Latin America.