
To tell the history of TEREX Latin America is to be reminded of the paving trajectory in Brazil.

Between 1956 and 1960, the government of Juscelino Kubitscheck elaborated an audacious program of goals that promoted the modernization in Brazil. The economic growth accelerated trade among the urban centers and the demand of products from the primary sector coming from the rural zones.

This gave rise to the need of new highways connecting different points of this immense land of Brazil. During this era of acceleration, highway transportation arose as the best alternative for carrying out the slogan "fifty years in five", which was the premise of JK's campaign.

Pionnering comes from de South

Attentive to the development of the highways in the country, Commander Clemente Cifali, an Italian / Brazilian citizen who had made his home in Rio Grande do Sul in the 50s, began in Caxias do Sul the first asphalt plant manufactured in the country.

Pioneer in the market, TEREX Roadbuilding Latin America is committed to quality, tradition, and innovation since its first steps. These criteria implemented by the founder are used until today as reference plans for all the company's actions.

Crossing Paths

In 2001, Cifali became associated with the CMI Corporation, a North American company from Oklahoma and a TEREX Roadbuilding subsidiary that holds the third position among the largest groups in the world in the segment of building and paving equipment.

With this merger, TEREX Roadbuilding Latin America became the owner of the most important technology in the sector for the Latin America market. Today, TEREX has a strong presence in exports, especially to the South American continent, where it is the leader in the markets of asphalt plants and pavers.